Fancy Color

Fancy Black Diamonds

Black diamonds, also known as Carbonados, have become increasingly popular with diamond collectors in recent years. Extremely rare and distinctive, fancy black diamonds are said to have mystical qualities, and have long been revered in certain countries - some likening the gems to 'snake eyes'. These opaque and luminescent gemstones present a wise investment for those who can afford the purchase. Benma Diamonds offers valued customers the opportunity to own a stunning black diamond of the highest purity and quality of grade. Like all our diamonds Benma's fancy black diamonds are fully tested and GIA certified.

Black diamonds, whilst being fascinating to look at, are not able to sparkle like other diamonds - they absorb rather than reflect light. This is because they have a different structure to the regular crystal structure of traditional diamonds. Their structure is 'polycrystalline' - like a collection of numerous diamonds or tiny black crystals crushed together, and, because all the diamonds are all at different angles, they cannot be cut so as to make them sparkle. Light, rather than bouncing off the surface simply gets absorbed - a fully black diamond has almost complete absorption of light.

Fancy black diamonds owe their color to tiny inclusions - rather than to trace elements like nitrogen, hydrogen and boron - elements which generally cause the colors of other diamonds. Common names for fancy black diamonds include jet black and gun metal black.

How Black Diamonds are Formed

Commonly found in alluvial deposits in Central Africa and Brazil, the black diamond ranges in color from black to dark gray. The origin of the black diamond or 'carbonado', is the subject of much controversy. Hypotheses include the gemstones being formed under high pressure conditions in the Earth's interior, or diamond formation caused by radiation acting to bring about the fission of uranium and thorium. Another hypothesis believes that the black diamond was formed under the impact of an asteroid - or forming after being thrown from within an exploding star or supernova - which occurred over 3.8 billion years ago. The supernova caused a meteorite to fall to Earth, a large land mass which fragmented during entry to the Earth's atmosphere, to impact on what would later become Brazil and Central Africa - the only two places black diamonds are found.

Fancy black diamonds look stunning in a wide range of jewelry. They look especially beautiful when set next to white diamonds or within white gold settings and are used in earrings, within rings and necklaces. A fancy black diamond bead necklace is a simple yet spectacular way to showcase these exquisite jewels.

Two of the most famous black diamonds are the 67.5 carat Black Orfloff and the 202 carat Black Star of Africa.

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Fancy Blue Diamonds

Fancy Blue Diamonds are much sought after due to their extreme rarity and beauty. Ranging in color from fancy light blue, to dark blue, deep blue or vivid blue - these exquisite stones make an impressive addition to any diamond lover's collection. The exceptional rarity of the diamonds makes them the perfect purchase for canny investors - their worth set to rise considerably in the next few years. Benma Diamonds are the supplier of choice when it comes to fancy blue diamonds, dedicated to obtaining the perfect blue diamond for our most discerning customers. Every natural fancy blue diamond is accompanied by a GIA certificate to ensure it is of the highest quality of grade.

These exquisite diamonds get their color from boron particles which become trapped within the matrix of the gemstone itself. The formation of this element within the diamond replaces the nitrogen within the stone, creating blue wavelengths of light - resulting in a stunning blue diamond. The intensity of the blueness depends on the actual concentration of boron within the stone.

Vivid blue stones are extremely hard to come by, since they are the least easily formed in nature. True fancy blue diamonds are called Type IIb diamonds when they have few or, no nitrogen impurities. However, of all the fancy blue diamonds mined each year, only a handful will be this true or perfectly blue type. More often they exhibit their blue color along with a variety of secondary colors such as gray and green - some of which make spectacularly beautiful combinations.

Recently, the demand for blue fancy diamonds has become even higher as opposed to their short supply with no new sources of these gems being found. Being in possession of one therefore has become even more desirable for collectors around the world

The Most Famous Blue Diamond in the World

The Hope diamond is the world's most famous fancy blue diamond - found in India many centuries ago. The diamond which is over 45 carats, is a steel blue color, and was at first believed to be a sapphire. It is believed that the diamond was brought to the attention of Jean Baptiste Tavernier, the celebrated French explorer by a slave. Tavernier is then said to have smuggled the gem to Paris where it was purchased by Louis XIV. Today it resides in the Smithsonian Institute in the USA.

Whilst only a few become the proud owners of a true fancy blue diamond, it's highly possible to purchase an exquisite blue diamond featuring a beautiful secondary hue. Whilst having the advantage of being less expensive than their rarer counterparts, these fancy blue diamonds will flatter and accentuate any piece of jewelry.

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Fancy Brown Diamonds

Interest in fancy brown diamonds has grown over recent years, with many collectors seeking to acquire the rarer versions of these gemstones. Fancy brown diamonds have names which describe their characteristics with cognac, chocolate and champagne some of the most popular. Cognac diamonds have a rich, golden appearance, champagne diamonds glitter effervescently with pink hues, and pure chocolate diamonds are much valued for their extreme rarity. Benma Diamonds are the specialist wholesaler of GIA certified exquisite fancy brown diamonds, diamonds which feature the highest grades of clarity, cut, carat and color.

Fancy brown diamonds are priced primarily on their color - the more intense the color the pricier it will be, with deep dark brown diamonds worth more than fancy light diamonds.. The secondary color of modifier also has an impact on price with those exhibiting a red hue - a fancy reddish brown diamond - attracting a high per carat price. Pinkish tones such as those seen in champagne diamonds also cost more than diamonds with other overtones.

Like other fancy color diamonds fancy browns obtain their color via the absorption of light through structural defects and the crystal lattice. Fancy brown diamonds also tend to contain nitrogen. The amount of defects and nitrogen present will dictate the type of coloration - ranging from very light brown to dark brown (fancy cognac).

Cut also has an impact on price, with a round cut brown fancy diamond in general the most expensive. Other cuts include princess, oval, Marquise, pear, radiant, cushion and heart.

Fancy brown diamonds with less fashionable secondary colors can be obtained at far less cost, and are a great way to start a fancy color diamond collection. The gemstones look extremely pretty in earrings and make an unusual and eye-catching addition to an engagement ring or necklace.

Fancy brown diamonds are found in various locations throughout the word, including the Argyle mined in Australia - in fact some of the best versions of chocolate color diamonds are found here.

Famous Fancy Brown Diamonds

The Golden Jubilee weighs in at 544.67 carats and is the largest faceted diamond in existence. This has been termed a fancy yellow brown diamond. The diamond was a gift in 1997 for the 50th anniversary of the reign of the King of Thailand. The gemstone was previously valued at $5-12 million.

The Golden Pelican at 69.93 carats is another famous fancy brown diamond - champagne in color, this rectangular cut diamond was discovered in South Africa. Fashioned into a ring the jewel was worn by Baron Corso de Palenzuela von Habsburg. The diamond is believed to have funded the release of Jews fleeing from persecution in Cuba. The gemstone was auctioned at Christies in the 1970's and reached a price of $3 million.

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Fancy Gray Diamonds

Fancy gray diamonds are very much in demand, and make a valuable addition to any diamond collector's portfolio of fancy diamonds. They vary in color from fancy light gray, to fancy dark gray - and many shades in-between. Natural fancy gray diamonds have a metallic sparkle which is quite unique and they are considered by some to be superior and more eye-catching than traditional white diamonds. Benma Diamonds have sourced the most unique and beautiful gray diamonds on the market today - fancy gray diamonds which come in a range of fascinating color combinations. From fancy gray diamonds with a yellow hue or fancy greenish gray, and even fancy blue gray diamonds each one is entirely unique - and GIA certified.

More and more consumers are demanding natural colored diamonds with a metallic hue, along with an intense sharp brightness. Fancy gray diamonds fit the bill perfectly and run the gamut of tones from pewter and nickel to deeper hues of graphite and lead - and have a sparkle and fire to match any other fancy color diamond. Fancy gray diamonds are sometimes termed 'silver' - a name which conjures up a far more positive image than 'gray', and makes a virtue of their unique tonal range. These diamonds can also be compared to the sky on a stormy or cloudy day - with a fancy gray diamond which will perfectly match the unfolding weather.

Fancy gray diamonds have names including charcoal gray, steel, slate, silver and pigeon and contain little or no saturation - colors appear cooler or warmer according to whether they contain blue or green, or warmer browns and yellows. The diamonds take their color from hydrogen - or, more rarely, boron.

Gray diamonds are mined in Australia, Russia, Brazil, South Africa and India. The Argyle mine produces a number of gray-blue diamonds which occasionally have tinges of purple. As with other fancy color diamonds they can be cut in a number of shapes such as round, marquise, oval, princess, pear - depending on the shape and size of the natural rough gemstone. Fancy gray diamonds can lend their neutral, understated style to any piece of jewelry imaginable, from rings, pendants, necklaces to bracelets and even watches.

Famous Fancy Gray Diamonds

The most famous fancy gray diamond is the Sultan of Morocco which weighs 35.27 carats. Described as fancy grayish-blue it is the fourth largest blue diamond after the Hope Diamond. The diamond has a cushion-shape cut and was believed to have been owned by Sultans in Morocco, although this has never been proven, and the diamond may actually have originated in India. The Sultan of Morocco was sold by Prince Felix Yousoupov II in 1922, and was sold to a private American collector in 1972 for $250,000.

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Fancy Green Diamonds

Fancy green diamonds are some of the rarest and most exquisite gemstones in existence. Sought after by the most discerning collectors, these fancy color diamonds make an excellent choice of investment. Benma Diamonds is the elite provider of rare fancy green diamonds, with an unrivalled selection available for purchase by our most prestigious clients. Our exquisite fancy green diamonds come in a variety of shapes including cushion, princess, round and radiant and can therefore feature in any number of personalized settings. All our fancy color diamonds are extensively tested, and fully GIA certified so you can be certain of their authenticity.

These green diamonds have gained their hue naturally, by coming into contact with radioactive minerals, often over many millions of years, and they are highly prized due to their rarity. The reason they are so rare is that the radiation they are exposed to hardly ever affects the entire stone, causing the green coloration to occur only in patches, or simply on the surface of the gem.

Most of the diamonds, then, do not possess a true green tint throughout, with the green hue prone to disappearing upon being subjected to faceting. Finding a fancy green diamond which keeps its vibrant green color after being cut and polished is therefore an exceptionally rare occurrence.

Most green diamonds come from Brazil, Zimbabwe and Venezuela and only a few high-quality pure green diamonds come onto the market each year. This is why the majority of jewelers will never even have seen a pure green diamond, let alone owned one.

Secondary Hues in Green Diamonds

The majority of fancy green diamonds possess secondary colors, - the most common being yellowish-green or green-yellow. A classic example of a fancy green color variation, and one which is highly unique, is the 'chameleon' diamond which is grayish yellowish-green in hue. This highly rare and beautiful diamond is so-called because it changes color when exposed to different lighting and heating conditions. When stored in the dark these fancy diamonds turn a darker green and when subjected to intense heat they turn yellow. The bigger a diamond is the greater the changes in color.

Famous Fancy Green Diamonds

Weighing in at 189.62 carats, the Orloff diamond is one of the worlds's most famous green diamonds. This slightly bluish-green fancy diamond, was discovered in India, and became one of a number of historical jewels amassed by Russia's royalty, before the revolution. Today it can be viewed in the Diamond Treasury of Russia, Moscow.

The Dresden Green diamond was also found in India and at over 40 carats is the largest apple-green diamond in existence. Records of this stone date back to 1743, when it was purchased by Frederick Augustus II at the Leipzig Fair in Germany, and the gem has remained in the country ever since.

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Fancy Orange Diamonds

There are just a number of true fancy orange diamonds in the world, which is why they are so sought after by serious diamond collectors. The pure apricot orange diamonds have a complete absence of brown within them, an exceptionally rare occurrence in nature. More often, fancy orange diamonds have secondary hues of yellow or a hint of brown - each beautiful gem uniquely different. Benma Diamonds have a selection of fancy orange diamonds, handpicked for their natural fascinating colors and all GIA certified.

Fancy orange diamonds make a great choice for stunning jewelry, as well as for an investment. The diamonds are believed to get their color from the presence of nitrogen - the amount dictating the hue of the gemstone. They can be cut in any number of shapes, and in a large variety of colors - from those that are more citrus and refreshing to warm ambers. Orange is a mixture of the primary colors yellow and red and fancy orange diamonds range in color from orange reds, to yellow oranges. Red, pink, orange, purple and yellow are the secondary colors commonly found in fancy orange diamonds.

The difference between an orange diamond and one which is orangey is down to assessment in the laboratory. When the color in the stone is between 25 and 50% orange it is termed a fancy orange diamond, if less than 25% then it is termed 'orangey'.

These fancy color diamonds are graded in line with the others, with seven grades of color. These are: Fancy Deep Orange and Fancy Vivid orange (the most desirable and valuable colors) to Fancy Intense, Fancy, Light Orange, Very light Orange - to the bottom of the scale, Faint orange. Pure fancy vivid orange is also sometimes known as Pumpkin orange.

They show off their brilliance well in a wide variety of cuts, from pear and oval to heart, cushion, Asscher, round and trillion. Fancy orange diamonds, when worn, are certain to attract attention - in jewelry including necklaces, rings, earrings and bracelets.

Famous Orange Diamonds

The most famous natural orange diamond in the world is the Pumpkin Diamond, mined in central Africa and valued at $3 million. It weighs 5.54 carats and is termed a Fancy Vivid Orange diamond by the GIA. Although small it is the world's largest true natural orange diamond classified as vivid orange. The Pumpkin Diamond was on display at the Smithsonian's at their 'Splendor of Diamonds' exhibition in 2003. The fancy color diamond also attracted attention prior to this at the 2002 Academy Awards - worn by actress Halle Berry in a ring, set between two white diamond stones.

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Fancy Pink Diamonds

Fancy pink diamonds are extremely commercially rare, and highly valuable - both because of their scarcity and their undeniable beauty. Hues include deep orange pink and intense pink with fancy vivid and fancy deep pink among the most desirable. Benma diamonds are one of a select number of traders in these fancy color diamonds, and can offer discerning clients some of the most exquisite pink diamonds in existence. While prices for true fancy pink diamonds are currently high, their value looks set to rise quite considerably due to their scarcity, making them an ideal choice of investment. Benma Diamonds supply only the highest grades of diamonds which are GIA certified.

Most fancy pink diamonds come from the Argyle Mine in Australia, with only around 700 true fancy pinks mined each year. Their pink color is believed to be down to the gemstone's atomic structure - a deformation in nature, of the diamond crystal while it is still semi solid. The deformations are known as 'color centers' which may also be prone to certain impurities known to bring about color change.

Fancy pink diamonds adhere to the seven color grades of all the colored diamonds which are fancy deep and fancy vivid - the most sought after and expensive grades, to fancy intense, fancy, light, very light and faint. The most common secondary hues or modifiers are orange, red, and purple. The most desirable fancy pink diamonds - those with deeper hues attract values running into hundreds of thousands of pounds per carat - and due to the scarcity of these gems the price looks set to increase considerably in years to come. This is partly due to worry about availability - the Argyle Mine's future as a source for the diamonds being in some doubt.

Famous Fancy Pink Diamonds

Once, fancy pink diamonds were only affordable by royalty. Nowadays fancy pink diamonds are the diamond of choice for the rich and famous. Ben Affleck bought a 6.1 carat fancy pink diamond ring when he became engaged to Jennifer Lopez and David Beckham gave wife Victoria a $1.8 million pink diamond ring to apologize for his alleged infidelity. In 1994 Christie's sold a 19.66 carat pink diamond for $7.4 million, and in 1995 Sotheby's sold a 7.37 carat fancy pink diamond for over $6 million. In 2009 a 5 carat, cushion shaped pink diamond sold for $10.8 million, setting two diamond records : Most expensive diamond per carat ever sold at an auction, plus it was the most expensive fancy pink diamond ever sold.

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Fancy Purple Diamonds

Fancy purple diamonds are some of the most rare and desirable of the natural fancy colored diamonds. The color purple has long been associated with power and prestige and often worn by royalty - so there's no surprise that fancy purple diamonds are sought after by the most discerning buyers. Fancy purple diamonds are a combination of red and blue - bringing both warm and cool tones to each stone, each exquisite diamond different from another. Pure purple or violet diamonds are virtually impossible to find, with most fancy purple diamonds more of a purplish-pink or pinkish-purple color. Benma Diamonds provide beautiful natural examples of purple fancy diamonds for a select market, diamonds which are fully GIA certified.

Purple diamonds which have no secondary hues are extremely rare, many of them less than a carat or two in size, and only occasionally found in dark to vivid colors. Most fancy purple diamonds have needle-like color zones. These fancy color diamonds are divided into two groups: Violet diamonds - which tend towards the blue-gray spectrum, and purple diamonds whose hues are reddish-pink.

Common names for fancy purple diamonds are plum, lilac, orchid, lavender, grape, mauve and amethyst. Only mined in Australia purple diamonds gain their color due to an unusually high amount of hydrogen within them - their hue dependent on the amount. Secondary hues or modifiers include brown, red, gray and pink, along with many others. Colors range from fancy intense pink purple, fancy intense pinkish purple to fancy deep pinkish purple.

More unusual than pink diamonds, fancy purple diamonds are at home in a variety of settings - from rings, necklaces and bracelets - to earrings and pendants. They, like other fancy color diamonds can be cut in numerous ways, but show off their sparkle well in oval, radiant and cushion shapes, as well as princess, emerald, asscher, marquise and pear. Round fancy purple diamonds are also one of the most common shapes.

Violet or Purple?

Although most jewelers - like most people, view violet diamonds as fancy purple diamonds, some dealers believe there is reason to differentiate between fancy purple diamonds and their violet counterparts. Researchers have found that true purple diamonds owe their color to deformations in the lattice which produce the grain like lines of purple color seen within the stone. Violet diamonds, on the other hand, owe their color to tiny traces of hydrogen - so, from a gemological standpoint there is a reason to separate the two colors.

Famous Fancy Purple Diamonds

Purple diamonds became newsworthy when basketball star Kobe Bryant gave one valued at $4 million to his wife. The diamond was alleged to be 8 carats in size (although this has never been confirmed).

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Fancy Red Diamonds

Fancy red diamonds are the most sought after diamonds in the world, so rare they are considered by many collectors as 'priceless'. True red diamonds are held in extremely high regard by serious diamond collectors, and difficult to obtain even for those undeterred by cost. Purchasing a pure fancy red makes an excellent choice of investment - due to their extreme rarity the price of a fancy red diamond is predicted to increase considerably over the next few years. Benma Diamonds are the preferred supplier of fancy red diamonds to the world's premier diamond buyers, our beautiful gemstones fully GIA certified to ensure authenticity.

Fancy red diamonds are so rare that few jewelers have ever had the chance to even see one, and little is known about their gemological make-up. What we do know, however, is that the main cause for their red color is the result of crystal lattice defects within the stone - with the redness actually made up of high intensities of pink, thereby giving the gemstone its 'vivid' quality of color. Red diamonds generally contain secondary colors, or modifiers of purple, pink, orange, gray and brown. Some common names for fancy red diamonds include blood red, raspberry, rose, ruby, tomato, cherry and strawberry.

The few red diamonds which come onto the market each year are mined at the Argyle Mine in Australia, their rarity assuring them prices of at least $2 million per carat and upwards. With the future of the mine in some doubt the value of these exceptional gemstones looks set to rise.

The most Famous Fancy Red Diamonds in the World

Red diamonds are so rare that only around 20 stones have ever been certified as pure. The most well known red diamond is the Red Shield, or Moussaieff Red Diamond, weighing in at a mere 5.11 carats, which goes to show that the best things can come in small packages! In fact most red diamonds are less than a carat in size. Other red diamonds include a famous 0.95 carat gem - the Hancock Red - which sold for close to a million dollars at Christie's back in the the1980s. At only 0.59 of a carat, the pear-shaped Rob Red, named after the owner Robert Bogel, is another diminutive yet rare and extremely valuable example of a fancy red diamond.

What is apparent is that fancy red diamonds are not only attractive to keep and wear, but make a sensible investment, increasing in value, unlike property and smaller colorless diamonds. With the few fancy red diamonds extremely hard to acquire, there are many beautiful red hued stones available - in a variety of shapes - from cushion and square to oval and round - to enhance any item of jewelry.

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Fancy Yellow Diamonds

Intense fancy yellow diamonds are an essential addition to the portfolio of serious collectors, and are also known as canary diamonds. A true fancy yellow diamond has no trace of whiteness and is fully saturated with yellow - diamonds which look especially stunning in a yellow gold setting. These fancy vivid color diamonds attract a high price and are only available through a high level diamond wholesaler such as Benma Diamonds. Benma Diamonds are able to supply an exclusive client base with fancy yellow diamonds of the highest grade of cut, clarity, color and carat weight. All our diamonds are fully tested and GIA certified.

Yellow canary diamonds make a perfect center stone for a piece of jewelry, and look fabulous in engagement and eternity rings. They will also create a stir when worn in a necklace or bracelet - from watches to pendants. They come in a large variety of cuts, much like any other diamond, including round, emerald, pear, princess, oval, radiant and marquise - to suit any desired setting.

Fancy yellow diamonds are white diamonds which have such a high degree of yellow within them they are declared fancy color diamonds. The color of fancy yellow diamonds has the following grades: Fancy Vivid Yellow, Fancy Intense Yellow, Fancy Yellow, Fancy Light Yellow, and light yellow - the more intense the shade - the higher the price. Secondary hues include green and orange as well as brownish or greenish.

Canary diamonds obtain their color from the presence of nitrogen particles being present during the formation of the diamond. In its purest state a diamond is made up of carbon atoms alone which means the diamond is colorless - when nitrogen atoms are present, replacing the carbon, the diamond takes on a hue or color. The more nitrogen present the deeper the saturation of color, and the more valuable the gemstone will be. Five common color ranges used when talking about fancy yellow diamonds are amber yellow, marigold, light marigold, canary and light canary.

Famous Fancy Yellow Diamonds

The largest fancy yellow diamond in the world is the 'Incomparable' diamond which is also the third biggest diamond in the world, weighing 407.48 carats. This internally flawless diamond is believed to have been discovered by a small child playing in rubble in the town of Mbuji Mayi, in the Republic of Congo. The 'Red Cross' is a canary yellow cushion cut diamond of 205.07 carats, discovered in the Kimberley mines in 1901. It was given its name by Christies, on behalf of the Red Cross charity, for whom it was auctioned. The Hope of Africa is another famous fancy yellow diamond - a cushion-shaped diamond with a weight of 151.91 carats.

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White Fancy Color Diamonds

While colorless to near colorless diamonds are sometimes described as 'white' in contrast to diamonds which are described as 'fancy colored', but there is in fact a rare fancy colored diamond known as the Fancy White Diamond. These white diamonds are characterized by their hue which resembles snow, sugar or whole milk. Opalescent fancy white diamonds are especially beautiful and unusual, and can only be sourced through notable diamond dealers. Benma Diamonds supply fancy white color diamonds which are both exquisite to look at and make a wise addition to the portfolio of a fancy color diamond collector.

Pure Fancy White Diamonds

Fancy whites with no discernible secondary colors are extremely rare and highly valued by collectors. Popular names for this fancy color diamond are ivory, milk, pearl, salt, snow, cream and sugar - as well as occasionally moonstone and opalescent. The opalescent fancy white diamonds are extremely rare, as rare even as fancy color pink diamonds and some blues, but even excellent examples can be bought at more affordable prices. Fancy white diamonds - like other fancy color diamonds - can have brownish, bluish, grayish or yellowish modifiers present, which lends them a unique hue, but renders them less sought after by collectors.

What gives Fancy White Diamonds Their Color

The large concentration of sub-microscopic inclusions present in fancy white diamonds scatter light, giving the stone their milky, white hue. While these stones do not sparkle like 'colorless' diamonds, their milkiness is sought after by some collectors. What are termed opalescent diamonds are beautiful because of the way the light hits the stone, causing pink, yellow and blue colors to be seen within the diamond. Very rare and expensive, they still cost less than other fancy color diamonds.

Settings for Fancy White Diamonds

Fancy white diamonds look great in any number of settings, and like other fancy color diamonds benefit from a cut which emphasizes, rather than detracts from their exceptional color. The type of cuts which will flatter fancy white diamonds include the radiant and marquise, which can be set within rings, pendants, necklaces and earrings, making exceptional and unique gifts.

Examples of Fancy White Diamonds

The Magical Unicorn Opalescent Diamond is a 7.85 carat radiant-cut white diamond which is surrounded by 1.26 carats of fancy black diamonds, and last retailed at $250,000. Exhibiting traits of an opal, this slightly milky yet sparkly bright white rainbow of a diamond is a creation of a jewelry designer based in California.

The GIA also reported the existence of a 30.87 carat fancy white in their winter 2006 catalogue 'Gems and Gemology'. When describing this diamond they stated that 'while the microscopic sub inclusions can negatively affect clarity, in some, rare cases they can produce a translucent, milky white color by scattering light entering the stone'. The whitish banding on this particular diamond is rare even on fancy whites.

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